

4 条评论:

Tammy 说...

wow nice, i really like how you picture your life in uk =) keep the stories coming girl!

匿名 说...

lmao your comics are awesome. The blue color is a nice touch. Do you draw on a graphic tablet?

I'm drawing comics too but I have to do it manually (i.e. draw on paper, scan to computer, & fix it in PS) but the lines aren't clean at all. Could you suggest some resources about how to draw comics? Thanks!

dreckker 说...

hahahhaa... your tesco work experience sure is hilarious... :)))

匿名 说...

In your past experience with such menial, dead-end work, I see a little of my own, and I commend you all the more: from the perspective of one who has never been forced to work for survival. That is something fewer people know than should.

Since then, however, I have come to the conclusion that, far worse than the job is the hunting!