
My High Land Room -- Episode 2

5 条评论:

Annie Wan 说...

blimey that was rough. well done for staying the course though

匿名 说...

That landlord sounds like a real jerk! I bet his wife made him come and apologize :)

匿名 说...

i was like "awwwwwwwwww >.<" when seeing you in tears you decided to leave because of your scary landlord. @_@

anyway, nice work. :)

匿名 说...

I find myself wondering why you didn't simply fill the coffee cup less... or use a larger cup... or, just drink it down there in the kitchen. I would have.

Your landlord must have been a very frightening individual to make you think he was going to chase you out after that one reprimand. Or perhaps you were taking it too seriously. Under the circumstances, however, you could hardly be blamed... I wager it was a good experience, on hindsight.

Tammy 说...

i know how you feel, my boss screams at me for the slightest mistakes I do, and I'll be crying thinking I've ruined her life LOL